Commodity groups

Commodity groups

Commodity groups are the groups of individual sales items, e.g. pasta, pizza, burgers, drinks, are organized similar to a category.

Admin: Item > Commodity group > Add product group.

Use of the commodity group

The commodity groups are used in the cash register and in the call center to bundle the input buttons of the sales items of a commodity group - each commodity group can be given a color for better structuring.

In the webshop and the app, the commodity groups are the main points of the item navigation:

If merchandise management is used, consumables, e.g. packaging, cleaning cloths, etc. can also be grouped together in a commodity group for the purpose of clarity. However, this should not be made visible in the shop or the cash register.

Add commodity groups

The commodity group can be found at Admin: Item > Commodity groups.

The product group list then opens. If nothing has been created yet, nothing will be visible at first.

Once the commodity group has been created (Admin: Item > Commodity group > Add product group), it can look like the example below.

The product group list is basically structured like any other list in our system. There are the usual buttons for "Display", "Edit", "Deactivate/activate" and "Delete". Another button "Add sub group" is also available if a commodity group is to be further subdivided for the webshop and app, e.g. for the commodity group "Drinks" there should be further subdivisions with "Alcoholic drinks" and "Non-alcoholic drinks".

Furthermore, depending on the setting when creating the commodity group, the incoming and outgoing order channels for which the commodity groups should be visible are also displayed. The images stored for the commodity group are also displayed.

In addition, a color coding can be defined for the commodity group. This serves to visually highlight the sales items of the respective commodity group, both in the call center and in the cash register.

To create a new commodity group, click on the dark green "Add product group" button - this opens the input mask:

The first step is to assign a name to the new commodity group.
Next, the color mentioned above can be assigned for better identification and the sort index (order of the commodity group in the webshop and the cash register) can be specified for the commodity group list.

Below this, at "Incoming orders channel" and "Outgoing orders channel", you can specify where the commodity group should be displayed. For example, if the commodity group created is pizza (i.e. a sales commodity group) and this should be visible in the webshop, then the "Webshop" slider should be set to "Yes". The display in apps, in the cash register and in the call center should also be set to "Yes" if the commodity group is to be visible there.

You can also create commodity groups that are only used internally, e.g. for sorting items on the receipt, but should not be displayed in the cash register.

If the customer login is offered in the webshop and the app, the next option can be used as an interesting marketing tool to encourage more users to register. A commodity group can be created with the option "Show ONLY for logged-in webshop users", which can only be seen if the visitor is logged in. For example, discounted products or other products that are not otherwise available in the webshop can be stored there.

For users who are not logged in, an alternative text or an image can be stored in the field below to encourage the visitor to log in.

At the end of the input mask, there is the option of uploading an image for the commodity group. This can be used as a header image in the webshop or as a commodity group image in the app. The standard size for commodity group images is 2000 x 500px (72dpi).

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