After an email account (by a SIDES employee) has been created and set up in the Admin --> in the category "Store" --> at the category sub-item "Store-wide settings" --> in the tab "Email account" (at/for/with "Sendgrid") (and in the category "Store" --> at the category sub-item "Email templates" any email templates have been created), automatically sent messages via email can be viewed here with the corresponding filter at the top right when performing specific actions. Email list entries can be unfolded again if necessary and/or opened (afterwards) to show the email as it was sent, including graphics or similar.
After a messaging service has been set up (by a SIDES employee) in the Admin --> in the category "Store" --> at the category sub-item "Cross-store settings" --> in the tab "External services and portals" --> at the section "Credentials for messaging services" (and in the category "Store" --> at the category sub-item "SMS templates" any SMS templates have been created and/or Whatapp Opt-In SMS templates have been set up and the procedure has been performed), when performing specific actions automatically (via e.g.. e.g. the service "BerlinSMS") sent messages via SMS or WhatsApp can be viewed here with the corresponding filters in the upper right corner. At least SMS list entries can be expanded on the left with the arrow icon to view what has been sent. And for at least SMS list entries, there is the light green "two white arrows in a circle icon" button "Refresh status" on the right with which the message can be resent if it didn't work before.
It can also be filtered by a date range or the store at the top.