Goods receipt

Goods receipt

The goods receipt can be booked in the Admin.

To do this, click in the Admin on > Storage > Goods receipt > Book incoming goods.
Then enter the date of the delivery bill, the number of the delivery bill and, if required, your own receipt number.
Then select the supplier from the dropdown menu and click on the "Select" button.

If a goods order was previously booked with the supplier (Admin > Storage > Order goods), this can be selected from a drop-down menu during goods receipt.
After clicking on "Add order", all articles in the quantity specified in the goods order are automatically loaded and the gathering can be started.

With the button "Choose file" an Excel table with the goods can be uploaded.

A template is available in the attachment (see at the very bottom of this page, "Template goods receipt_EN.csv").
More information about the template so that the goods can be imported:
  1. The Excel table needs the file extension csv. 
  2. The first columns A-N must remain empty, as well as the column R, because the import uses the columns.
  3. The supplier from the Excel table must be stored in the Admin under Storage > Suppliers.
  4. The importing article must be stored with its master data.
  5. The article needs the property "Update storage".

If the import was successful, a green confirmation message "Success. The positions of the file have been added to the goods delivery receipt". 

The quantity can be corrected subsequently, and additional items can be added under "New booking". The entry is made either via the item number or via the name of the product.

When the entry of the items is finished, the goods receipt can be saved, with the button "End saving and recording".

After that, the list with the goods receipts appears.

In order for the good's receipt to be booked, the "Book" button must still be clicked.
The goods receipts are not included in the storage until they are booked.

Explanation of the symbols:


The goods receipt can be viewed again.

The entry can be edited.

The goods receipt will be booked.

The entry will be deleted.

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