Item creation (basic) only with commodity groups and sales items

Item creation (basic) only with commodity groups and sales items

In order for the sales items and commodity groups to be visible in the POS, they must first be created.

Admin: Item > Commodity groups > Add product groups.
Admin: Item > Item > Add item.

A simple basic item creation consists of commodity groups and sales items (without toppings, recipes, item groups and webshop settings). 

These instructions describe how to create a simple basic item creation (with commodity groups and sales items).

Example structure in the POS 

As an example, the item creation in the POS (cash register) could look like this:

At the top are the commodity groups for selection, such as "Kebab" and "Drinks".
The individual sales items are listed at the bottom, such as "Kebab normal", "Kebab XL", "Kebab vegetarian", "Kebab box", "Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite". 

Example structure diagram

Our example structure in the POS looks like the following diagram:

Additional information Example structure in the POS

By clicking on e.g. "Drinks" in the POS, only the drinks that are assigned to it are displayed at the bottom. The commodity group "Drinks" is now outlined to visualize that "Drinks" has been selected. Clicking on "Drinks" again displays everything again.

1. Create commodity group

For a simple basic item creation as shown in the example above, a commodity group must first be created. In our example, we create a commodity group for "Kebab".

The commodity group can be regarded as a generic term for the sales items. The commodity group is always displayed in the POS and is mandatory for the sales items to be visible. This means that an item must always be assigned to a commodity group for it to be displayed.

To create a commodity group, go to Admin: Item > Commodity groups > Add product group.

The following is filled in:
Active: "Yes" is selected by default and means that the commodity group is visible. 

1. Product group name: Assign a name for the commodity group, this is visible in the checkout, e.g. "Kebab" (step 1). 

2. Color: Assign a color, this is then visible in the cash register (step 2). All items assigned to this commodity group will then have the color selected here.

3. Sorting index: Enter a sort index (step 3). It is advisable to start the sort index with a "5". We recommend entering the sorting order in steps of 5 so that a number can be inserted in between in the event of later changes or adjustments. This means that the next commodity group has the number "10", the next has the number "15", etc.
If no sorting index is specified, the sorting is alphabetical. This means, for example, that a kebab is sorted alphabetically in the sizes "Normal", "Large" and "“XL", with "Large", "Normal", "XL".

4. Incoming order channels + Outgoing order channels: Here everything is set to "Yes" and thus activated (step 4). Unless, for example, you do not deliver, then the delivery can be omitted, but otherwise activate all channels.

Included in minimum order value: This is enabled by default with "Yes", please leave this enabled.

5. Now go to "Save" at the bottom (step 5).

This creates the "Kebab" commodity group.
Carry out the same steps under "1. Create commodity group" for each additional commodity group. In our example, create another commodity group for "Drinks".

2. Create sales item

Now we add the sales items, i.e. the items that are sold at the POS (cash register), e.g. "Kebab normal", "Kebab XL", "Kebab vegetarian", "Kebab box", "Cola", "Fanta", "Sprite". 

Only a few steps are required for a simple basic item creation of a sales item.

We only need the following tabs for basic item creation: 1. "Item", 2. "Commodity groups", 3. "Prices", 4. "Stores", 5. "Extra".
All other tabs are not necessary for a simple basic item creation.

2.1. Tab "Item"

After the required commodity groups have been created, the next step is to create the sales items, go to Admin: Item > Item > Add item.
The 1st tab "Item" is automatically opened.

The following is filled in:
1. Item number: Here we recommend using the number from the menu (step 1). 
Example: If the "Kebab normal" is in position "7" on the menu, a "7" is entered here. 

If several sales items are listed under the number 7 in the menu, for example due to different sizes such as "Kebab normal" and "XL", letters and even words can also be entered in this field.

Examples of the "Item number" for a "Kebab normal" that can be entered in the field:
7_Kebab_ Normal 
The number assignment with or without letters/special characters/words is up to you how you want to handle it.

2. Item name: The name of the sales item is entered here (step 2), e.g. "Kebab Normal".

3. Abbreviation: The same name is copied in here that is already under "Item name" (step 3), e.g. "Kebab normal" again.
This abbreviation is visible in the POS (cash register), here you can also only enter "Normal", for example. It is up to you how you want to enter the name in the POS. 

4. Name on kitchen slip: The same name is copied in here that is already under "Item name" (step 4), e.g. "Kebab normal" again.
If there are different sizes, it is important that the size is also specified, e.g. "Kebab normal", so that the kitchen knows what type of kebab it is.

5. Sales item: "Yes" (step 5). The sales item is set to "Yes" by default and remains so, as we are creating a new sales item here.

The other fields in the "Item" tab are not required for a basic item creation. It is also not necessary to click on "Save" as this is done at the end of the settings. In the next step, we move on to the "Commodity groups" tab.

2.2. Tab "Commodity groups"

Now we go to the "Commodity groups" tab.

Here the sales item is assigned to a commodity group, i.e. the top handle. This is important so that the sales item is displayed in the POS (cash register).

In our example of the sales item "Kebab normal", the commodity group "Kebab" is set to "Yes".

It is still not necessary to click on "Save" as this is done at the end of the settings. In the next step, we move on to the "Prices" tab.

2.3. Tab "Prices"

Now we go to the "Prices" tab. 

The price for the sales item is entered here.

1. Default price: The price for the sales item is stored here (step 1), so in our example for the "Kebab normal" with 7 euros and it is entered in the field "7,00".

2. Tax rate: The correct tax rate is selected here (step 2). If it is the normal tax rate, the standard entry "Normal rate" remains selected. If it is a different tax rate, please select the correct tax rate.

In the next step, we move on to the "Stores" tab.

2.4. Tab "Stores"

Now we come to the "Stores" tab. Here we select the stores in which this sales item should be visible.

The store where this sales item should be visible is selected here and set to "Yes". Multiple selection is also possible. If only one store exists, this is already set to "Yes" by default.

It is still not necessary to click on "Save" as this is done at the end of the settings. In the next and final step, we move on to the "Extra" tab.

2.5. Tab "Extra"

Now we go to the last step, the "Extra" tab. 

Here you enter the sorting order as it should be displayed in the checkout.

1. Sort order POS: Enter a sort index (step 1). Here too, it is advisable to start the sort index with a "5". We recommend entering the sorting sequence in steps of 5 so that a number can be inserted in between in the event of subsequent changes or adjustments. The next sales item therefore has the number "10", the next has the number "15", etc. The recommended sorting sequence is per group, i.e. for the commodity groups it starts with "5" and for the sales items it also starts with a "5". Otherwise the sorting is alphabetical.
2. We have reached the end of the basic item creation, now it is time to save. Please scroll all the way down and click on the "Save" button (step 2).

After saving, the creation page will close and you will see the overview page again.

Carry out the same steps under "2. Create sales item" for each additional sales item.
In our example, create another sales item for "Kebab XL", another sales item for "Kebab vegetarian", another for "Kebab box", one for "Cola", one for "Fanta" and one for "Sprite".

Your commodity groups with associated sales items are now complete.


What can I do if the item is not displayed in the POS (checkout)?

Have you added the item to a commodity group? Please check this again by going to the sales item under Admin: Item > Item > Edit > "Commodity groups" tab and check whether a commodity group has been selected with "Yes".

My item is assigned to a commodity group, but it is still not displayed?

Check whether all stores in which the sales item should be visible, have been selected under Admin: Items > Items > Edit > "Stores" tab.
In this example, there is a "No" next to the "Berlin" store, i.e. the item "Sprite" is not visible in the "Berlin" store. If the sales item "Sprite" should also be visible in the "Berlin" store, it must be set to "Yes" and confirmed with the "Save" button.

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