Nesto connection guide

Nesto connection guide

The SD DailyOrderReport endpoint provides a list of orders processed daily per store in a machine-readable JSON format. This data can be used for further processing.
If a store wants to use for example Nesto for their forecasts, the API endpoint can be released accordingly.

Admin: Store > System settings > API rights (only possible with SuperAdmin permission).

How to set up SD DailyOrderReport

This guide will describe how to set up the endpoint DailyOrderReport on any SIDES instance.
Attention: SuperAdmin permissions are required for the setup.
Note: The endpoint is based on the mandant. On mandant-instances (e.g. access to individual stores can only be restricted by sharing only the uuid of the store(s). 

1. Creating the API rights

1. Go to Admin: Store > System settings > API rights.

2. Search for the following API rights:
a. statisticdata.dailyOrderReport
b. statisticdata.dailyOrderReportPublic
If the API rights already exist, go below to "2. Creating the API user".

3. Create the two API rights if they are not present:
a. Click on "New API Permission" (1).
b. Enter statisticdata.dailyOrderReport at "Name of the API-Right".
c. Click on "Save" (2).
d. Click on "Save" (3).
Repeat a.-d. for the right: statisticdata.dailyOrderReportPublic 

Note: The spelling of the rights is important.

2. Creating the API user

1. Change to tab "API user" and scroll to the bottom.

2. Click on "Add new API user"
a. At "Client selection":
Select the client to which to add the DailyOrderReport-Interface (1).
b. At "Name of the API user":
Enter a name for the to-be-created API user; Recommendation:
Follow the convention of ServiceProvider_DailyOrderReport
(e.g. NESTO_DailyOrderReport) (2).
c. At "Purpose of the API user": Enter public
d. At "Password":
Enter any password, no need to remember it (4). 

e. At "Assign API permissions": Activate the permission for "statisticdata.dailyOrderReport" and "statisticdata.dailyOrderReportPublic" as seen in the picture (5).

3. Click on "Save". 

3. Activating the interface

1. Go to Admin: Store > External applications.
2. Click on "New API key for external application".
a. Select an entry from the dropdown "API user" (1). The list might display lines without characters. Try the first entry.
b. Enter a name at "Name of API key" (2), preferably the same used at "Name of the API user".
c. Click on "Save".

When you selected the correct entries and followed the naming, the entries under "Name" and "API user" will match.

4. Data to share

Note down the following data for granting access to the interface:
  1. "API-Token": SDPAK... (from step 3 - Admin: Store > External applications).
  2. From Admin: Store > Stores > Edit > Master data > Unique store ID - name it store_uuid when sharing, alternatively the store_id from the URL.
The "Unique store ID" is preferred, especially for Franchise chains, for data security reasons!

Note: Nesto and worqroom may require an additional key: the x-api-key.

This key has to be requested from SIDES (DevOps). 

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