Portal articles (matching) in the Admin

Portal articles (matching) in the Admin

The portal items must be assigned to the products that are entered in SIDES. 
Portal items are the products that are transferred when orders are placed via delivery portals such as Lieferando, GoogleFood, UberEats, etc.

Admin: Items > Portal articles. 

We recommend storing the article numbers from the system at the portals. The article numbers are then automatically assigned (matched), which no longer needs to be done manually. The article numbers can be exported under Admin: Item > Item > Export sales items with details > Export.

Portal articles are the items that are transferred from the delivery portals (Lieferando, GoogleFood, UberEats, Wolt, etc.) - if the interface is set up.

These portal articles must be assigned to the products that are entered in SIDES. This is necessary to ensure that the correct tax is used for the orders and that the correct assignment is made when the receipt is printed. It also ensures that orders from this portal can be processed directly (i.e. a kitchen receipt and an invoice are printed directly, as with a normal recorded order) without the order having to be recorded again and transferred to the system.

Assign portal articles

Go to Admin: Items > Portal articles. 
At the top center of the overview, there is a drop-down menu with which you can choose between the different connected portals to be matched/assigned.

Various red article names are listed there (at least for the initial setup). These must now be assigned in the next step.

Edit portal articles

Click on the "Edit" button and a new window will open. The following information can be seen there:

Portal name: The name of the delivery portal (Lieferando, GoogleFood, UberEats, Wolt, etc.).

Portal item name: The name of the item to be assigned.

Item does not need assigning: If this button is activated, the portal item is not assigned to the items in the system. This can have consequences such as missing names on the kitchen receipt or incorrect cashbook entries, so we always recommend that all items are matched/assigned.

Item: This is the item from SIDES that is to be assigned to the portal item. By entering the item number or by entering an item name component, a drop-down menu opens with a selection of items that match the entry. As soon as an item has been selected, the corresponding article number is displayed in the field.

Description: After selecting the item, the item name is displayed here.

The selection will be confirmed with the "Save" button. The portal item view is then displayed and the item you have just assigned disappears from the list of open items.

Show all portal articles

When mistyping, or to view all items (including those already assigned), the "Display all" slider can be set to "Yes".

Primary portal article name

It may happen that the following description appears in the "Edit" window:

You will then see the "Primary portal item name" and the "Portal item name". This is a "Topping" that needs to be matched. This means that the "Pizza Formaggio small" is not assigned here, but the "Bacon".

Portal article fully assigned

If there is no longer a red item in the list, all items have been assigned.

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