SendGrid setup with new account

SendGrid setup with new account

SendGrid is a cloud-based service for email marketing and transactional emails. This service can be used to send bulk emails for marketing campaigns, track email open rates and clicks, manage subscriber lists and ensure that emails are not marked as spam.

Admin: Store > Global store settings > Email accounts > New mail account.

SIDES offers an interface to SendGrid for sending marketing emails, via which customer data can be constantly synchronized and kept up to date. This ensures that the newsletter reaches all possible recipients.

1. Create a new SendGrid account

If you already have an existing SendGrid account, follow these instructions:

1. Open the page:

2. Click on "Start for free" in the top right-hand corner.

3. Fill in the fields.
3.1. Check the checkbox to accept the General Terms and Conditions.
3.2. Then click on "Continue".

4. Check your emails and copy the verification code.

5. Enter the verification code on the SendGrid page.
5.1. And click on "Verify".

6. Enter your mobile phone number.
6.1. Then click on "Send code via SMS".

7. First copy the recovery key using the "Copy" button and keep it in a safe place.
7.1. Then click on "Continue".

8. Now click on "Continue" in the welcome window.

9. Now fill in all the necessary fields.
9.1. Then click on "Get started".

10. The start page opens.
10.1. Click on the start page on "Create sender identity".

11. First click in the "From Name" field and enter the name of your restaurant/store/brand, that will be displayed in the email recipient's inbox.
11.1. Then click in the "From Email Address" field and enter your sender email address from which the email is to be sent.
11.2. Enter your restaurant information under "Company Address".
11.3. Click in the "Reply to" field and enter your reply e-mail address.
11.4. Use the "Nickname" field with, e.g. your restaurant name.
11.5. Once the sender information has been entered, click on "Create".

12. Then check your mailbox and confirm the email you have received.
12.1. Then click on "Close" in SendGrid.

2. Verify your domain in SendGrid

Next, verify your domain.

1. Go to "Settings" in the left navigation and then to "Sender Authentication".
1.1. Then click on "Get Started".

2. Click on "DNS Host".
2.1. Now select the entry "I'm not sure" from the drop-down menu that opens.

3. Then click on "Next".

4. Now enter your domain under "Domain You Send From", e.g.
4.1 Then click on "Next".

5. The DNS entries now displayed must be stored with your domain provider. Please ask your provider or use Google search to find out how the DNS records are stored at your domain provider.
5.1. When all DNS records have been added, click on "I've added these records".
5.2. Then click on "Verify".

If the DNS records have not been entered correctly, this will be displayed again here. Only a green tick and the note "verified" indicates that everything has worked.

3. Create an API key in SendGrid

Next, create the API keys in SendGrid.

1. Go to "API Keys" in the left navigation under "Settings".
1.1. Then click on "Create API Key".

2. Now enter a name in the "API Key Name" field, e.g. system emails.
2.1. Leave all default settings respectively click on "Full Access".
2.2. Then click on "Create & View".

3. Copy the displayed API key and save it elsewhere if necessary. (CAUTION: This key will not be displayed again).
3.1. Then click on "Done".

4. Enter the API key in the admin console

In the next step, enter the previously copied API key in the admin console.

1. Now open the SIDES admin interface.
2. Go to Admin: Store > Global store settings.

3. Select the "Email accounts" tab at the top and click on the button "New email account" at the bottom left.

4. Click in the "Name of mail account" field and enter a name, e.g. System emails.
4.1. Then click in the "Sender address" field and enter the sender email address from which you want to send (use the same sender email address as previously entered in step "1. Create a new SendGrid account", under 11.1.).
4.2. Paste the previously copied API key into the "API key" field.
4.3. Then click on "Save".

5. Then click on "Close window".

6. Finished. Now test the email sending.

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