Trip planning

Trip planning

If you want to plan your tours effectively, then the tour planning item in the checkout interface will help.
In the tab "Orders" you get a clear list of the tours. You can see, most likely through the tour blocks, which tours you can possibly produce together (in the kitchen manager) and then drive out.
One sees the data ( marker with order number,) "Re-No.", "Re-Date" (and time) "erw. Arrival" (expected arrival date and time), "Address", "Distance" (in km) and "Direction" (arrow symbol shows the direction of the order address starting from the store address).
Pre-orders are displayed here in a different color to distinguish them from immediate tours-but this only applies to pre-orders that have reached the point at which they will receive an invoice number. If you also want to display pre-orders in the tour planning that do not have an invoice number yet (for a long time), you have to activate the option "Display pre-orders in tour planning and driver terminal:" in the store settings.
Furthermore, the tours that exceed the delivery period communicated to the customer are marked.
At each list entry of an order there is a "magnifying glass icon" button to view the corresponding order. If you have activated "Activate manual assignment of tours to blocks (tour planning only):", there is also a button to "lock" (light blue "open lock icon" button must be clicked) or "unlock" (purple "closed lock icon" button must be clicked) tours or tour blocks. Also a gray "one arrow up and one arrow down icon" button to "sort" tours into the individual tour blocks.
In the "Drivers" tab you have an overview of which drivers are logged in, are currently waiting, are on break or are on tour and how long they should be on the road.
In order to receive suggestions for tour blocks, the corresponding store settings must be made in advance in the "Settings" tab in the "Disposition / Tour Management" section-including, for example, the setting "Activate manual assignment of tours in blocks (tour planning only):".
Secondary to note are also the settings at the top right of the "gear icon" button, which have options for the map, e.g. what markers, routes and other information should be displayed and More.

View Order:

There is also an "Advanced View", with a few more details/values, but fewer features-this is also where the map is hidden. This view can be opened by clicking on the small right-pointing arrow to the right of the bold "Ric..." at the top just below the tab heading:


Start Order:
First, mark the orders to be run in the "Orders" tab via the tickboxes to the right of its list entries or those of the tour blocks.
Then click on the white button "START TOUR" at the bottom right of the box, which has now turned green, then select the driver in the opening window via a round tick box and click again on the white button "START TOUR", which has now turned green, or on the white-red button "CANCEL".


Finalize the order:
Then the order will be completed. If you now want to specifically report the driver back via "Tour Planning", you do this by switching to the "Driver" tab, clicking on the green "i-Symbol" button next to the employee list entry and clicking on the light blue button "TOUR BEENDEN", the orange button "TOUR BEENDEN & PAUSE" or the red button "TOUR & SCHICHT BEENDEN" in the menu that opens there.

While no tour is being driven:

While a tour is being driven:

(After exit) In the overview after clicking on the green "i-symbol" button, you can also see the tours already exited by the driver and even delete them from the employee's list via the red "x-symbol" button at the corresponding tour list entry, i.e. "undo" them if they were "exited by mistake by the driver" or problems had occurred that had led to a wrong assignment, a wrong start or an unsuccessful export:

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