Uber Eats

Uber Eats

In order for you to use Uber Eats, we need to do a few things for you first.
So for that please contact our support.

Once a confirmation came from Uber that all preparations have been made, you can activate the interface in Simplyadmin.
Please let the support know in advance if you want us to take care of it or if you want to take over the last step so that there is no duplication or the like.

For this purpose, there is an item in the Admin under Stores called "Access Data Delivery Portal" (Admin --> Store --> Stores --> yellow key icon button "Access Data Delivery Portal" on the right side). The account creation is done as follows:

Type of delivery portal: Uber Eats
Active: Set here whether the account should be used actively or not.
Delivery portal account status: Here you can see the state of the account-if it is "unknown" or similar after the initial save, please contact support.
Description of delivery portal account: Enter an in-system description for the account. (optional)
Store Id: This will be provided to you by Uber Eats.
Ignore article numbers: See explanation in the image. (If this option is activated, the matching will NOT take place on the basis of the numbers, but on the basis of the article name. In the menu item Item > Portal Item, the matching has to be checked manually).
Check and correct article structure: See explanation in the image. (optional, but should be activated by default).
Accept orders manually: See explanation in image.

The integration is activated and thus completed when the button with the green heart symbol button is pressed.

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