Use of disposable and returnable packaging

Use of disposable and returnable packaging

It is possible to add disposable and returnable packaging (such as Vytal, Relevo, Rezzeat) to the sales items, which can then be selected when ordering (e.g. in the webshop, app, self-service terminal, POS).

Admin: Store > Stores > Edit > "External services" tab > Enable API key for external return options.
Admin: Item > Item > Add item.
Admin: Item > Topping groups > Add topping groups.

Disposable and returnable packaging can be added to the items for sale so that they can be selected appropriately depending on the product. It is also possible to return the disposable and returnable products.

Currently, we offer returnable to go from the following external providers: Relevo, Vytal and Rezzeat.

To borrow the returnable packaging and return it from the external providers, the customer needs the mobile app with a registered account, the respective providers (Relevo, Vytal, Rezzeat).
For Vytal and Rezzeat, the restaurant operator also needs the system partner app to scan the Vytal and Rezzeat packaging and assign it to the customer, as well as for the return. 

For own disposable and returnable deposit systems and for stock booking, a return via POS (cash register) is possible.

The deposited disposable and returnable packaging can be used:
  1. in the POS (cash register)
  2. in the webshop
  3. in the app and
  4. in the self-service terminal

Webshop example: selection of a disposable or returnable packaging:

Enable API key for external return options (e.g. Relevo, Vytal, Rezzeat)

You need to activate the external provider for the respective store once in the store settings, where the returnable packaging is borrowed. 

Under Admin: Store > Stores > Edit > "External services" tab > Enable API key for external return options. It is necessary to enable first the function for the external provider/client (e.g. Relevo, Vytal, Rezzeat). 

The values to be entered for the provider are obtained after registering with the respective provider. For Relevo and/or Vytal you have to register as a partner. At Vytal you receive an integration token, at Relevo you receive a partner API key and a point-of-sale ID and at Rezzeat you receive an API token and a restaurant ID.

In order to use external return options, you need to make sure that all your apps are up to date. Please contact our support to have this feature enabled. 

Creation of the disposable and returnable packaging in the Admin

The disposable and returnable packaging must be added to the respective sales items so that they can also be selected when ordering.

Create item

1. First create the item e.g. Burger Box Relevo, under Admin: Item > Item > Add Item. 
2. In the "Item" tab, fill in the following.
2.1. Under "Item number" enter a desired number (this is a mandatory field).
2.2. Under "Item name" enter a name for the item e.g. Burger Box Relevo.
2.3. For Relevo only: Under "External article number" enter the category ID of Relevo. The external article number must match the category ID of Relevo. The list of category ID is available from Relevo.

2.4. Activate the slider further down in the "Properties", at: "Topping" and "Ingredient". (If the slider "Topping" is not available, the slider of the "Sales item" must first be set to "No", then the topping slider appears).
2.4.1. If desired, the "Discountable" slider can also be activated, then a discount will also be given on this package. If "Discountable" is disabled, the discount will be given only on the burger and not on the burger packaging.
2.4.2. If the inventory management is used, then additionally activate "Update storage".
3. In the "Prices" tab, add a price and the tax rate. 
4. In the tab "Images" you can add a picture for the packaging.
5. If necessary: In the tab "Validity" and "Extra" you can make additional entries if needed. In the "Storage" tab, you can make further entries if needed when using inventroy management.
6. In the tab "Return" select a return option e.g. for Relevo -> select Relevo; for Disposable -> select Disposable. 
Note: since the packaging is selected at this point, the disposable packaging (e.g. BurgerBox carton) must be removed from the item's recipe.
7. Click on "Save" at the bottom.
8. If necessary, repeat steps 1-7 for additional disposable and returnable packaging.

Create a topping group

8. Create a topping group for the disposable and returnable packaging under Admin: Items > Topping groups > Add Topping groups.
9. In the "Topping group" tab, complete the following:
9.1 If needed: If the topping group should become a mandatory field, then set the slider at "Selection required when toppings are set on automatic" to "Yes". If you don't want it to be a mandatory selection, leave the slider on "No". The "Free topping group" means, if it is activated, then this topping group is free for the customer, even if a price was deposited with the individual topping.
9.2 Under "Name of topping group" add a name, e.g. Burger packaging.
9.3 Under "Internal name of the topping group" enter a name, this is a mandatory field, the same name can be entered, e.g. Burger packaging.
9.3 Under "Max. quantity on single purchase" enter the number 1.
9.4 If needed: under "Color" select a desired color and under "Sorting index" select a desired sorting number.
10. In the tab "Item" select all disposable and returnable packaging that belong to this group (note: the sorting is not alphabetical) e.g. Burger Box Disposable, Burger Box SIDES, Burger Box Relevo, Burger Box Vytal. This will give you the choice of different boxes when you link a burger to it.
11. Click on "Save" at the bottom of the page.

12. Now link all items with the disposable and returnable packaging group (with the topping group you created earlier).
12.1. To do this, go to your sales item under Admin: Item > Item > select your sales item e.g. Angus BBQ Burger > Edit.
12.2. Go to the "Toppings" tab and select the topping group you created earlier e.g. Burger packaging by setting the slider there to "Yes".
12.3. Click on "Save" at the bottom.
13. If necessary, repeat steps 12-12.3 for all items where the disposable and returnable packaging is to be assigned.

After linking from the sales item to the disposable and returnables packaging, they will now be displayed when ordering. 

Each sales item requires at least one returnable item; more than one is also possible.

There is also a storage booking if it is set in the inventory management.

Ordering in the POS (cash register)

In the POS (cash register), the desired packaging (disposable, own returnable deposit system, external returnable supplier) can be selected for each sales item. Depending on what has been set in the Admin.

For the external providers (Relevo, Vytal, Rezzeat), a query for the respective delivery token/user ID appears to order the returnable packaging. The customer receives this delivery token/user ID via the respective Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat mobile app and can pass it through by phone or read it out from the mobile app in the case of an on-site order.

Only after successful verification from the delivery token/user ID, the packaging can be selected of Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat. Note the upper and lower case of the delivery token/user ID. 

Example order in the cash register:

Vytal delivery token query:

Relevo user ID query:

Display on the invoice/kitchen receipt and kitchen manager

The respective invoices (receipt, kitchen receipt, hospitality receipt) also show which packaging was selected for which sales item.
In the case of Vytal and Rezzeat, a QR code is also printed on the invoice so that the restaurant operator can scan this QR code to hand out the Vytal and Rezzeat packaging.
This selected package is also visible in the kitchen manager.

Example invoice:

Example kitchen manager:

Ordering in the webshop

In the webshop, the customer can select the desired packaging (disposable, own returnable deposit system, external returnable provider) for each sales item (depending on which disposable and returnable packagings have been assigned in the Admin).

For the external returnable providers, a query for the respective delivery token/user ID appears in the webshop to order the returnable packaging. 

The customer receives this delivery token/user ID via the respective Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat mobile app. The customer enters the delivery token/user ID in the webhop itself and can thus select the Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat returnable packaging. Note that the delivery token/user ID is case sensitive. 

Once the delivery token/user ID is confirmed, this entitles the customer to order any returnable packaging from the respective external returnable supplier (Relevo, Vytal, Rezzeat).

Example of packaging selection in the webshop:

Vytal delivery token query in the webshop:

Relevo User ID query in the webshop:

Ordering in the app

The customer selects the type of packaging for each sales item himself (disposable, own returnable deposit system, external returnable provider). Depending on which packaging has been stored and assigned in the Admin.

Again, for the external returnable providers, a query appears for the respective delivery token/user ID to order the returnable packaging. 

The customer receives this delivery token/user ID via the respective Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat mobile app. The customer enters the delivery token/user ID in the app itself when placing the order and can thus select the Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat packaging. Note that the delivery token/user ID is case sensitive. 

Only after successful verification of the delivery token/user ID can the Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat returnable packaging be selected.

Example of packaging selection in the app:

Ordering in the self-service terminal

The customer selects the type of packaging for each sales item himself (disposable, own returnable deposit system, external returnable supplier). Depending on which packaging has been stored and assigned in the Admin.

Again, Relevo, Vytal and Rezzeat will display a query for the respective delivery token/user ID to order the returnable packaging. 

The customer receives this delivery token/user ID via the respective Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat mobile app. The customer enters the delivery token/user ID himself/herself when ordering at the self-service terminal and can thus select the Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat packaging. Please note that the delivery token/user ID is case sensitive. 

Only after successful verification of the delivery token/user ID can the Relevo/Vytal/Rezzeat returnable packaging be selected.

Example of packaging selection at the self-service terminal:

Return of the packaging

Return of Vytal and Rezzeat

The customer returns the Vytal and Rezzeat packaging to the restaurant. The restaurant operator scans the QR code on the packaging with his system partner app for the return.

Relevo return

With Relevo, returns are made at the restaurant by scanning a QR code return plate. The customer scans this QR code on the return plate with his Relevo mobile app. 

Return own deposit system and storage booking

For the own deposit system, the "Return" button can be used in the POS (cash register) to take back the own packaging.
If the storage booking is used, it is also possible to book back the packaging of the external suppliers (Vytal, Relevo, Rezzeat). There is no matching at Vytal, Relevo or Rezzeat, this is only for the storage booking, so that the returned packaging can be booked back to the storage.

Example return in POS (cash register):

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