Why don't the buttons etc. have the same color as you can read in the manual articles or see in the pictures?

Why don't the buttons etc. have the same color as you can read in the manual articles or see in the pictures?

If the colors of the buttons or elements in your system do not match those shown in our manual or in the sample images, this is because the design has been adapted to your individual wishes.

What does this mean?
Each user account in our system can be provided with an individual theme pack. A theme pack changes the color scheme, fonts and other visual elements of the user interface. This customization is often done to adapt the design to your brand's corporate design or simply because you like a different color scheme better.

Who can change this?
A manager or administrator of your company has probably selected a different theme pack in the past. Alternatively, you may have changed the settings yourself. This allows you to customize the interface to better suit your style or the needs of your team.

Can I change the theme pack?
Yes, the theme can be customized. If you would like to make a change, our support team will be happy to help.

This customizability ensures that the software is not only functionally but also visually optimally tailored to your company.

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