SimplyDelivery GmbH (en) | Help Center
Corporate - for staff only!
Articles are always to be published ONLY for "Agents"!
Frequently asked questions
The necessary technical basics for daily operation.
The "administrative center".
PointOfSale (POS)
The "POS". This interface offers different tools and functions.
Selfservice(-terminal) (en)
A self-service terminal for your customers directly in the restaurant to relieve or replace your waiters.
Webshop (set up by SD)
Your business digitized-for more visibility and accessibility for your customers, even from home!
App (en)
Mobile and accessible from anywhere.
Procedure documentation
Necessary for e.g. tax office and trade office as well as very helpful for tax consultants.
Software Release Notes
1. Einrichtung (en)
2. Hardware
4. Taegliche Nutzung (en)