Merchant accounts (en)

Merchant accounts (en)

At the moment, only the payment service provider "Adyen" is available for MerchantAccounts. An account with Adyen is required, for example, for "Google Food Ordering" (--> ).

The following explains how a merchant account would basically be created, using Adyen as an example:

An account must be created with our payment service provider Adyen for each store that wants to use Google Food so that online payments can be processed via gPay (Google Pay).

An Adyen account works similar to PayPal: every two weeks, the amount of all online payments via Google Food is transferred to the owner's bank account.

For this purpose, such an account must be created in the Admin in the category "Store" -> under the category sub-item "Stores" -> under the corresponding store list entry on the right under the yellow "Bank card icon" button "Merchant Accounts".

In the view that follows, simply click on the dark green "ADD MERCHANT ACCOUNT" button with the "'+' symbol" in the circle to the left of it in the top left corner.

In the form that then appears, the "Gateway" "Adyen" must be selected at the top and all fields must be filled in accordingly.

For corporate customers (limited liability companies, etc.) it is additionally necessary to flip the switch below "Operation has additional partners/shareholders (Shareholder):" (sole proprietors do not have to do this).
In this case, the shareholders of the operating company must be deposited and it is also necessary to enter the data of the shareholders (over 25%) as well. According to the minimum required 25% share, a maximum of 4 "Shareholders" can be added-this can be done using the green "'+' symbol" button next to the white/green "Shareholder" tabs.

It is a legal requirement to verify all data. You may be asked to upload documents such as ID copies or bank statements. This process is required because Adyen processes payments for you and pays out money to the bank account on file.
Uploading the necessary documents and checking their completeness as well as checking the status of the verification of all data can be done in the merchant account overview at the corresponding list entry at the orange "'i' symbol" button (if data is incorrect or actions are still required) or at the green "checkmark symbol" button (if the uploaded data is still being verified or has already been successfully verified and is correct).
The account will then be verified, which may also take a few days.

Two examples of this view:

The necessary documents/data should be deposited/completed/corrected as soon as possible after account creation (or if there are problems in the meantime) (preferably within a week, but within a month at the most) and the KYC (Know Your Customer) process thus completed, so that the account does not receive the status "Inactive" or "Suspended".

In the former case, no more payouts are possible , in the latter case, the account is blocked and additionally no more payments can be processed through it. In addition, a suspended account means that you will not be able to upload any data, correct or complete them on your own to restore the "Active" status. In this case, our SIDES support or Adyen support must be contacted.

A blocked account looks something like this in our admin:

By the way, the blue "bell icon" button in the merchant account list is used to view various "more direct" messages from Adyen in its overview.

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